
How to Become a Distributor

Your resources are beyond your imagination

The only thing missing is the opportunity to try out this business model

Your resources are infinite, let's create your future together!


以一支可口可乐为例, 传统的线下分销有以下步骤:

1. 工厂生产了可口可乐, 并把产品分销给全国的总代理。

2. 全国总代理把产品分销给各个省的代理。

3. 省代理把产品分销给各个城市的代理。

4. 城市级别的代理把产品分销给小卖部或者超市。

5. 最终小卖部或者超市把产品卖给终端消费者。

6. 每一个级别的经销商的利润来源自她们当中不同的进货价。 


How to Join our Team


  1. Scan the WeChat or Line QR code to get in touch with our team leader (we speak fluent Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, or English)
  2. You can choose to start from any of the following quantity:
    10, 50, 100, or 300 lipsticks.
    The higher quantity gives you lower wholesale prices, hence greater profit when you sell to distributors at the lower level or to retail customer.
  3. Our free lessons are compiled into mp3 files (in Chinese or English) so you can download them to your phone and listen to them any time you want. This is a business that fits into any lifestyle regardless of your occupation.
  4. All the materials you need to advertise the product is freely shared among our team members. You can use any social media platform including WeChat, Line, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or WhatsApp to promote the lipstick.
  5.  There is no membership fee or renewal fee whatsoever, and you can quit anytime without any penalty. Your team leader will walk you through every step of the way so there is nothing to worry about.

E-commerse on Social Platforms

This is how traditional business model works,  let’s take the distribution of Coke Cola as an example:

  1. The factory produces the soft drink, which then distributes the product to wholesale agents at the national level.
  2. The national agents distribute products to wholesale agents at the state level.
  3. State-level agents then sell products to distributors at the city level.
  4. The city distributors sell products to local retail stores.
  5. The product finally reaches the consumer.
  6. Different level of distributors get different wholesale pricing based on the quantity purchased.

In this traditional distribution model, if you are in the state of California, you cannot sell the product to a convenience store in the state of New York. Therefore, the greatest advantage of online distribution is you can sell the lipstick to whoever and wherever, there is no limit who your target customer may be or which country they are living in. With your phone and internet access, you can basically sell to everyone around the world! Better yet, it is free to advertise on social platforms and every one of your distributors becomes an additional channel of sales and resources. 


  1. 请扫码下面的微信或者Line的二维码联系我们
  2. 你可以选择从以下任何数量起步:
  3. 拿货量越多,拿货价越便宜,你卖给下级经销商和零售客户利润就会越高。
  4. 我们的课程都是免费的,以mp3文件的形式下载到手机里随时随地都可以听。不管你是任何职业的人都非常适合做代理。
  5. 你需要用来宣传产品的素材我们团队都是免费共享的,不必要花时间去自己制作图片或者广告。你可以利用任何社交软件,包括微信和Line,去销售唇膏。
  6. 做代理没有任何的加盟费或者年费,也可以无条件的退出。你的上家会手把手的教你,所以是不需要担心的。
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