传奇今生唇膏2020年新零售价 New Retail Prices


Starting on January 1, 2020, the retail price of Legend Age lipstick in China has increased to ¥189 per lipstick.

The retail price of Legend Age lipstick in the United States has been adjusted to $29 per lipstick, or if you buy a bundle of 4 lipsticks, the price is $24 per lipstick, if you buy a bundle of 10 lipsticks, the price is $21 per lipstick.

Check out our new global prices here

Legend Age Lipstick is FDA registered!

The United States Food and Drug Administration  (FDA) does not approve cosmetic products. However, by registering the Legend Age Lipstick with FDA, our company has disclosed product ingredients which allowed the FDA staff that have expert knowledge in the field to cross-check with already registered (and recognized) ingredients in the FDA database. Since registration with FDA is voluntary, our company takes a proactive step to give our customers a peace of mind when using the lipstick. Registration document is confidential, however, if you’d like to see it before becoming a distributor, please contact us.

The Legend Age lipstick is a multifunctional lip care product that can be used as a lip balm, lipstick, lip mask, and nipple mask. With its heat detection technology, the lipstick creates a lip color that is unique to each user . It reduces fine lines around lips, improves lip color, and repairs dry and cracked lips. Moisturized, supple, and healthy lips are the result of long-term use. All ingredients in the lipstick are food-grade and safe for children and pregnant women. Since it is not a make-up product, therefore, there is no need to remove it before each meal or before bedtime. 


The Legend Age lipstick was introduced to consumers in 2008 and has been tested and loved by the cosmetic market for more than 10 years. The company behind the Legend Age brand is Faith Inc, which was founded in 1987. It is a Chinese company with more than 30 years of history specializing in skincare and cosmetic products. 


How is the Legend Age lipstick different from other lip products in the cosmetic market

1. Healthy and safe : The main ingredients are natural and food-grade, free of lead and mercury, and paraffin.  

2. Unique colors: One lipstick creates thousands of colors. The plant extracts are absorbed easily by lip skin, causing lip color to change depending on your skin’s temperature, blood circulation, and pH level.

3. Long-lasting: The formula provides long time wear without residue after eating, drinking, or kissing. The main ingredients could be quickly absorbed by lip skin. In addition, cups and straw are made with materials with neutral pH level, therefore, they do not react with the ingredients in the lipstick. 

4. Repair lip conditions: The lipstick instantly soothes cracked or chapped lips, improves the color of pale or dark lips, diminishes the appearance of fine lines while simultaneously enhances your natural lip color for a no make-up look.

5. Multi-tasking: The lipstick combines four different functions in one tiny black tube: lip balm + lipstick + lip mask + nipple mask.

6. Suitable for all ages and both sexes. Ladies can also apply the lipstick to their faces as blush, to their eye lids as eye shadow, or to their nipples and private parts to repair dryness and discoloration.


1. 健康:主要成分达食品级,无添加铅汞、不含石蜡地蜡(石蜡会造成唇部肌肤不透气,长期使用含石蜡的唇膏,可导致唇部发黑、发乌、发白,长期食进体内,会造成肝脏、肾脏机能下降或疾病)。

2. 个性,色彩因人而异:一支口红,千人千色,三大主要成分包括维他命E油,蜂蜡,和复合植物萃取能快速被皮肤吸收,并会根据每个人体温、血液循环速度、皮肤的酸碱度(PH值)不一样,涂出来的颜色都不一样。

3. 持久不脱色:不受吃饭、喝水影响,不沾杯、不脱色,狂吻不留痕!一次涂抹,炫丽一天;(唇膏里面的营养成分能迅速被嘴唇皮肤吸收,而且唇膏的着色原理是植物色素根据身体的酸碱值变色,杯子与吸管等材料的酸碱值是中性,即使把唇膏直接画在杯子上也不会显色)。

4. 修复唇部不良问题:解决唇部脱皮、干裂、唇纹过深、敏感脆弱易发炎、改善唇部发白、发乌唇色等各种问题。

5. 多效、超值:一支单品具有润唇膏、口红、唇膜和胸膜四种功效。

6. 特殊性:男女老少都可以使用,女性除用于唇部修复和改善唇色外,还可用于面部作腮红,眼皮作眼影,以及女性身体私密部位改善色泽。

Assembly line production of the Legend Age lipstick in our company-owned new factory in Guangzhou China.


Legend Age Lipstick was advertised on the Nasdaq Building in New York Time Square


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